covalense global News Events

Oracle opt Covalense for their global engagements

Oracle consulting practice engages their global customers to ensure right way of implementing Oracle Communication product stack to ensure the best product optimization and lowest CTO. As a Gold Partner, Covalense has been working closely with Oracle with many of their end customers across Europe and South-East Asia under a partnership model.

covalense global News Events

Covalense’s backend contributions to Christchurch rebuild

Covalense has been a preferred development partner for Tonkin &Taylor, an international environmental and engineering consulting firm based in Auckland for Microsoft SharePoint, .Net and GIS implementations across their disparate business systems located across New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and Philippines. Covalense co-located a composite team in Tonkin & Taylor, Auckland to support their extensive technical and Geo-spatial work for the relief and redevelopment of

covalense global News Events

Impressive strides in Tertiary Education, New Zealand

Open Wānanga is the part of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, one of the largest tertiary education providers that deliver home based programmes across 80 locations in New Zealand. For the past 6 years as a preferred implementation partner of Wānanga, Covalense has been developing customised applications to automate the entire workflows and student management support systems. Besides this, Covalense is also involved annual maintenance